A study examined the implementation of the disability equality duty on public authorities in England. The results indicated that a positive change in perceptions of disabled people and disability issues had taken place, at least in most of the organizations researched. But there was considerable variation across and within different sectors regarding aspects of the interpretation and implementation of the duty.
Source: Joanna Ferrie et al., An In-depth Examination of the Implementation of the Disability Equality Duty in England, Office for Disability Issues (office-for-disability-issues@dwp.gsi.gov.uk)
Links: Report | Summary | DWP press release
Date: 2008-Dec
For the first time, 11 government departments (and the Scottish and Welsh Assembly Governments) published reports that showed how they were helping disabled people to achieve equality.
Source: Press release 1 December 2008, Department for Work and Pensions (020 7712 2171)
Links: DWP press release | Overview report | Links to reports
Date: 2008-Dec
A new book examined the existing and potential role in British law of 'reasonable adjustment' duties in respect of disabled people.
Source: Anna Lawson, Disability and Equality Law in Britain: The Role of Reasonable Adjustment, Hart Publishing (01865 517530)
Links: Summary
Date: 2008-Dec
A report presented the findings of a qualitative study of the travel behaviour, experiences, and aspirations of disabled people. It examined how barriers to travel and transport use operated in practice, and what disabled people themselves thought could make a difference.
Source: Clarissa Penfold, Nicky Cleghorn, Chris Creegan, Hayley Neil and Stephen Webster, Travel Behaviour, Experiences and Aspirations of Disabled People, Department for Transport (0870 1226 236)
Links: Report
Date: 2008-Oct
A report by a committee of MPs welcomed the government's review of the 'Blue Badge Scheme' (providing parking concessions for disabled people). It said that the government should act decisively to shape a disabled parking scheme that would serve the needs of modern users.
Source: The Blue Badge Scheme, Sixth Report (Session 2007-08), HC 475, House of Commons Transport Select Committee, TSO (0870 600 5522)
Links: Report
Date: 2008-Jun
The government responded to a report by a committee of MPs on concessionary travel on public transport.
Source: Ticketing and Concessionary Travel on Public Transport: Government Response to the Committee's Fifth Report, Fourth Special Report (Session 2007-08), HC 708, House of Commons Treasury Select Committee, TSO (0870 600 5522)
Links: Response | MPs report | PTEG press release
Date: 2008-Jun
A report said that poor accessibility and negative attitudes still discouraged many disabled people from using public transport for even the simplest journeys.
Source: Lee Webster and Sachin Shah, Into the Unknown: Disabled people's experiences of public transport, Leonard Cheshire (020 7802 8204)
Links: Leonard Cheshire press release
Date: 2008-Apr